Thursday, November 22, 2007

For sure

Things I am for sure thankful about.

Jesus who sustains me every day and is so ever patient with my wandering heart.

The amazing husband who I am blessed to be married to who has never ever given up on me and continues by my side through life's crap and wonderfulness, loving me from the depths of his being even when I'm being unlovable.

My on-loan kids (who I have to keep giving back to Jesus) who teach me about child like faith day in and day out, live life to the fullest every moment and bring laughter and life to our home.

The peeps in my life who push me, stretch me, love me and stand by me. Life would not be the same without you!

Living and breathing: something I need to be more thankful about. How many times I have seen this past year life whisked away in a snap and on the flip side watching new life grow and blossom.

An amazing year full of blessings, adventures, valleys and tippy top mountains.

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