Thursday, January 03, 2008

what a 3 year old can teach you

So last night on the way to church, Alina was singing a make up song and Sam was talking to his Leapster in the backseat. I wasn't really paying any attention to what they were saying until I honed in to what Alina was actually singing. "I love being meeee!!!" over and over again. Then she said, "Mom! Say 'I love being me!!'". I aquiessed and then asked her if she loved being her. "Yes! Do you love being you Mom?" Ahhh....what a great question. I know the 'right' answer. But really, deep down? Do I love being me? How many times do I want to be like someone else? So many I've lost count. Why can't I be joyful for the way my Creator has made me? I'm not like any one else in the entire world. And yet I become dissatisfied with how He made me. Discontent that so and so is better at such and such a thing. How many times I say, "I'm not good enough." or "I wish I was...." In a way it's telling God that He didn't do a good enough job.

And an off shoot of that is what kind of example am I setting for her? If I'm not satisfied with who I am, will she be satisfied with who she growing up in the world we live in? More than likely no.

So thank you my sweet princess for the 2x4 in the head to knock some sense into me that I need to LOVE BEING ME!


anne said...

Yay for YOU! :)

Someone gave me a kids' book called "The One, The Only Magnificent ME!"

Maybe you need to read it!

Jean said...

Hmmm...sounds right up my alley...:)

Hillary said...

From the mouths of babes...

Ah, how hard it is to truly say that we love to be ourselves.

God, I praise you for Jean is fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works (like Jean!) are wonderful, we know that full well!

Kerri Anne said...

Kids are amazing. I'm thinking of hiring one to teach me to stop and pay attention to everything that is beautiful in this world. :)


Jessica said...

This is such a great lesson as I am adjusting to a new role (one that I know is SO important but at the same time always for PJ's all day?) Children are certainly God's communicators in getting us to listen and open our eyes to His love.

Anonymous said...

man, I wish I was 3 again...

Jean said...

Thanks Hills. You are so sweet!

Hmmm...hiring one is a great idea!

You're right Jessica. I love the honesty of kids and they don't hold back. as a 3 year old. So easy now looking back.