Saturday, February 03, 2007

current news

1. There is a blizzard warning until midnight tonight.
2. The highway is closed in 3 areas between our home and where my husband is at a retreat (of which he is supposed to come home today).
3. I have a nice big candle burning to give off a nice piney scent.
4. We are toasty and all snuggled in despite the blowing craziness outside.
5. All three of us are still in our jammies.


anne said...

Ahhh...:) Snuggly and warm despite the crazy blizzard!

Anonymous said...

I love jamma days! stay warm!! (I just bought myself a full length quitled monster coat) Michigan is soo crazy!

Jean said...

You'll get some good use out of it Iris!!

Keep staying cozy Anne. :)

sarah cool said...

Did the hubby make it home safe and sound?!

Jean said...

He did and said the highways were barren, so they missed all the 50 car pile ups.