We have a new "pet" in our family. He lives out on our back deck and has frequented our home several times over the past week and a half. He has moved to several different places and is becoming quite the traveller. He was named yesterday by Sam. Sticky. Sticky if our big green frog. He showed up last week Tuesday evening by my "garden". He then disappeared for a week. Sunday he showed up again.
This is where we found him:
He may seem small, but looks are deceiving. How he was sitting there sideways amazed us. He got poked and prodded and talked to and almost kissed (thankfully I stopped Alina before she smooched him).
Monday he was gone. We went on our search, but could not find him. Ed found him that evening and thought he got sat on because he makes himself so flat. This is where he was found Monday.
He amazed me with his leaping abilities. How DID he get up there on that chair? It's like magic. One will NEVER know.
Tuesday morning he was gone. On went our search for Sticky. We looked and looked and I finally found him here:
I thought the day before his jumping abilities were amazing, but then I was flabergasted as to how he got to this destination. He did move on throughout the day, up to the top of the rail at the top of the picture and stayed there and then was again gone when we got back from a walk. He has not been seen today.
So here's a picture of our deck. He started by the pots on the deck floor, disappeared, travelled to the side of the grill cover, disappeared, jumped on over to the chair wayyyyy to the right in the picture, disappeared and then hopped right up on the railing of the steps between the grill and the far right chair. Well accomplished traveler I must say.
Sticky should be stamping his passport as this has to be a great big feat for such a little thing.
And here's a picture of my garden. Since I'm on a picture-showing roll. The picture on the left contains beans and carrots up top, tomatoes and cucumbers in the round pots. The picture on the right contains zuchinni in the pots and carrots up top. Then on the ground, next to the steps are my two pumpkin plants and one extra zuchinni.
YOU are SO CUTE!!!!!
why THANK YOU!! :)
Sticky sounds like a lovely pet!
Oh, and I think you need a few pots of tomatoes. You forgot those.
do you see why I had to graciously turn you down for tomatoes? I forgot to mention the other tomato plant I have down by the pumpkins too. Craziness. I do understand though that you can't just toss them assunder to leave for dead. Very heart wrenching...
Yeah but...You could use more tomatoes? I'm sure of it.
I would love to adopt some more, but they would have no homes or sunlight and I wouldn't want to be charge with abuse and neglect...
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