Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII Menu

This year we're going the healthy route:

Fruit skewers
Fresh veggies
Home made pita chips
Home made pizza
Tasty chocolate pudding cake

I'm finding what a huge difference it makes in my eating habits when I don't write my food intake down. This week the spreadsheet will be active again.

In other news:
We're heading back to MI in April for 10 days.
We had an amazing time in God's creation yesterday seeing Bald Eagles and the growth cycle of the Salmon they eat.
I hope to be working on and off for the next six or so months.
The workouts and weight loss continue.
Church has been amazing.
I'm still learning of how and where to set my boundaries.
Life has been challenging spiritually, and I am thankful for the growth it is producing.


anne said...

Let's hear a Woot! Woot! for a visit home! :)

thediaperdiaries said...

Yum. That stuff sounds delicious!!

Luanne said...

So proud of you!! YOu are on a growing spree :) Do I get the honor of "meting" you when you are here?? Hope so!

Jean said...

A woot! woot! for sure!!!

it was pretty tasty. I did use the easy way out and made pita pizza's instead...but still tasty!

Thanks Luanne! Meeting you is one of the things I'm excited about when we come!! With a big hug! :)