Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye and hello

There were the most heart wrenching hardships scattered with warm surprises.
More uncomfortable stretching along with God-moving choices.
Forgiveness, love-deepening, hard conversations, intermingled with prayer, prayer and more heaven sent prayer.
New milestones, new adventures, new jobs.
Old struggles to sift through laced with stale feelings that needed to be let go for good.

A new year brings a clean breath of freshness.
New beginnings.
New memories.
New adventures.
More hopes.
More organization.
More changes.

I need to not wish this coming year away but embrace each day.
Each choice.
Each hardship.
Embrace my husband.
My kids.
My friends.

The slate is ready to be added to.
Will I cling white knuckled to it or will I offer it willingly and open handed to my Maker?
That is the question I take into the new year.
Happy 2010 everyone!

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