Two things I think are great surprises for myself.
1. Forgetting that I folded all laundry from the dryer, go to do laundry, open the dryer and find there are no clothes to fold. Score!
2. Forgetting I cleaned out the dishwasher, go to get ready to do the daily, unexciting task of cleaning out the dishwasher just so it can be loaded again, open the dishwasher to find it only 1/4 of the way full of dirty dishes! Ahhhhh bliss.
Either I'm becoming forgetful or I'm in such a sad state that an empty dryer and barely full dishwasher become such exciting things that help make my day.
Probably a bit of both.
Aaah! Love those little surprises! :) Nothing pathetic about being happy about those things! They'd totally make my day, too! :)
What would be even better would be discovering that someone else had already done those things for you! I can so relate. I totally know that "Yeah, I don't have to empty it!" feeling!
Oh the dishwasher! It is why I dread waking up every morning. I've been trying to empty it at night before I go to bed so when we wake up and dirty breakfast dishes they can go right in rather than piling up in the sink, but some nights I just can't stay up that late. I can understand the not remembering part--the other day I was wondering if somehow I had birthed my children through my head and damaged my brain in the process...
Thanks Hills!
Having someone else do it is an even bigger treat! You are right Amy!
That's a good plan of attack Cheeky...trying to get it done the night before...
As for the process of the damaged brain, I had never thought of that way before...There could be some logic behind that. If i could figure out how.. :)
I would be just as excited! Course, I also probably wouldn't have opened the dishwasher either. If the counter, was cleaned I would have been happy with that! :)
Fortunately, we have a couple days of "free" labor around the house so we will be taking full advantage of it! Let me know if I need to send them over...
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