In Raising Financially Confident Kids, financial expert Mary Hunt draws from solid statistics and her own hard-won knowledge and experience as a mom who made it back from the brink of financial ruin to help you teach your children how to handle money responsibly. From preschool through the teen years, every stage of your child's development is covered, including how to talk to them about money at each age, how to help them start saving money and giving it away, and how to avoid the pitfalls of easy credit and a culture built on debt.This book opened my eyes to how I do need to be more pro-active in teaching money to our kids. Mary Hunt gives a great idea of starting your kids off with a salary instead of calling it an allowance. Part is put into savings. Part of it is given away. And the rest is spending money. There is so much more behind these three things. More ideas and descriptions as how you may want to teach your kids. One thing I liked was that in the "giving away" section, she and her husband taught their sons that the giving part doesn't have to be to church. It could be to someone who is in need. A charity. Someone at school who is going through a hard time. And even church. But with it there are no strings attached. And nothing expected in return.
Mary does a great job writing this as it is an easy read, yet chalked full of great ideas if you have kids at home and want to teach them how to live debt free as adults.
Available August 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Revell Books sent me this complimentary copy to review for them. All opinions expressed are my own.
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