Friday, October 02, 2009

hello stranger

It's been awhile since I've actually written a non-book post. Be prepared though...more of those will be coming as I've picked up two more publishing companies to read books for.

But books aside, life is speeding by. School for Ed, Sam and Alina has entered month two with all of them busy with papers, reading, writing and projects.

I actually made dinner Wednesday night. I can't tell you how good this felt! The month of dinners in the freezer has been a tremendous help. Between Ed having night classes at the beginning of the week and me working 8-10 hours the later part of the week, those dinners have come in handy! But there is something about making a meal from scratch. It's such a soothing action which was welcomed after a long week of work.

Fall has landed here with rainy days and sunny days intermixed. One sad aspect is no apple picking. All apple orchards are a 3 hour drive away. Over the mountains to the desert side of the state. It's quite depressing actually. I loved pulling out and heating up a portion of homemade applesauce on those cold, dark, blustery evenings. Pop it in the oven with mini marshmallows on top. Heaven.

Ed's mom flies in tomorrow afternoon for a week long stay. Everyone is excited for her company! She'll be here for her 70th birthday of which the kids are thrilled to celebrate with her. She'll also be watching the kids while Ed and I fly across the country to attend Catalyst in Atlanta next week. I. Am. Beyond. Excited. #1: I get to go on an extended date with my best friend. #2: I get to attend Catalyst. It has been four years since the last time I attended. Life shifted at that Catalyst. I will never forget it as it shaped me into who I am today.

So life keeps ticking by each day. Fill it with classes and school and work and laughter and tears and conversations and growing it ticks even faster.


Luanne said...

Fabuous!! Have a wonderful time!

anne said...

Oh Catalyst. I remember you. Seems like it's been forever since we've last met. Maybe someday again...

Hillary said...

Hip hip hooray! :) Have a wonderful time away with your man!

Unknown said...

Good to finally hear from you on here! I figured people in Seattle just aren't good at blogs. :]