Nutshell: Finding a way to revitalize your body, mind and spirit all at once? The 30-Day Faith Detox can be your guide. With a daily devotional about different warfares that may be waging against your spirit and mind, and suggestions on how to fill your temple to feel the greatest possible, this devotional/guide can be what you are looking for. Recipes, ways to fill your mind with His word, how to declutter your life and put your focus with your food with all different colors, your mind and your body back on Him.
Pro's: This is a great spring board in to getting back in to the routine of spending time with God daily, eating better and how to detox your body of unhealthy chemicals and thoughts. Every day there is a different reading to focus your mind for that day. I liked the suggestions of eating different colors each week. That opened my fridge up to many more options! I've been eating many less carbs/processed foods and my counter and fridge drawers are filled with more fruits and vegetables than ever before!
Con's: It would've been great to see more recipes in the back instead of eating the same recipe for 30 days. In the beginning the author did say not to eat potatoes or corn, but in the food lists of things to buy, potatoes and corn were on there. That was a bit confusing. Also, giving other options instead of juicing every day for lunch or snack would have been helpful as many people work and do not have access to juicing devices during the day.
Recommendation: If you're looking for a jump-start in feeling better inside and out, this is a great tool to use to help you with refocusing your mind, spirit and what you put in your body.
Chosen Books sent me this complimentary copy to review for them. Opinions expressed are my own.